Monday, September 1, 2008

Tim and I Post 2

A very good friend of mine once told me that guys often like multiple girls at the same time. I didn't believe her. Of course they don't!

But I was wrong.

While I tried not to get carried away with Tim, who I saw occationally at parties in the months that followed, Tim was not exactly doing the same. I was definately on the list of girls he was interested in (or at least I was when he saw me, otherwise he forgot about me), but there were other girls alot higher than me! I had no idea, in fact, I was pretty confinced he was also interested! This was a great thing to be deceived about, because if I didn't think he liked me I probably would have turned shy again. Instead I made an effort to talk to him each time I saw him. I still felt I didn't know him very well, and wasn't sure when I was going to get the chance to know him more. I did, however, get a chance to hear him give his testimony at an evangelistic rally.

Eventually we find ourselves on another camp and got chatting in a group setting. I had recently gotten a job at Melbourne Uni and he was asking about it. He mentioned casually that RMIT CU (which he attended at the time) had a 6:30 talk on every Wednesday. "You should come along some time" he suggested. "I have Bible study on every second Wednesday" I answered, "but I'd love to come".

A week after the camp finished Fi and I were talking and she asked me if I was interested in anyone. I decided to tell her about Tim. Her first words were "Hmmm, Belinda Grant, yeah that sound alright, I think you can like him!" We sat in the car for hours chatting. Fi's words on the issue (besides the blessing on the name change) were straight to the point, very Fi like. "Look, you can wait around for years hoping to see him and never really knowing what he's like, or you can do something about it". I mentioned the Bible talk, and Fi agreed to come along for moral support.


  1. Ok Belinda... so I see that you are going to keep us hanging for quite a while with this story! I shall work on developing patience. I'm the kind of reader who reads the first chapter and when I ca't stand the suspense any more, I skip to the end to see 'who dunnit', who ended up with who or who got killed! You are a great writer! Look forward to the next chapter!

  2. Alright then Meg, I'll give you the ending...
    We get married ;)
