World Three

I am a Christian, and according to the Bible- my true home is in heaven.  This is my Third World, the world that effects all the others as I live in light of not just the next 50 years of my life, but all eternity.

I grew up in a Christian family, with parent's who loved Jesus and taught me about him from a very early age.  I don't remember a time when I didn't know that there was a God, and that he loved me enough to send his Son to die for my sins.  But as I hit my tweens, I began to realise that if Jesus real, then that would radically effect my life, so I couldn't just believe because my parents did.  As I began to believe for myself, as I began to learn and grow, I also realised that if Jesus was real then that was a message I wanted to share.  And so I have- both in paid and unpaid ministry in churches, schools, beach-missions and University campus'

I have spent the last 20 odd years learning, growing, and trying to be more like the one who died for me.  I fail everyday, but God in his kindness keeps loving me and using me despite it all.

My faith is not just important to me, it is everything about who I am.  So on this blog I will be talking about my faith, my ministry and how the heaven I'm looking forward to changes how I view this life now.