Friday, March 26, 2010

Sans Tim

Some reflections of my week sans-Tim.

-It was great to have heaps of time with people this week. I am an extrovert extraordinaire who has her people time partially curtailed by a slightly less extroverted husband. But without Tim I knew I'd go crazy being alone so I had lots of catch ups and it was wonderful. Though I have to say it was weird to get to the end of the day and not be able to tell Tim all about it! It made me appreciate again all the interesting, unique and absolutely lovely people I have in my life. Seriously- do other people have such crazy, wonderful friends too?

-I'm not good at being alone in my house without a book, the TV or the Internet to occupy me. It is actually quite a sad state of affairs. Ironically I lead a Bible study which involved prayer on Thursday and we talked about how hard it was to prioritise it- so I practice what I preached and instead of turning on the TV or opening a book over dinner I talked to God.

-Christian books are great. Actually- I realised this just before Tim went away- as I found myself enjoying the books I was reading to prepare for some Revelation studies I'm leading with our youth. But it was after he left that I decided that reading a bit of a Christian book before bed each night would be fun, and so far it's proven right!

-I feel more godly when I don't have someone there to sin against. I don't think I AM more godly when Tim is away- its just that selfishness is less evident when it's only you seeing it!

-God was soooo good. Almost (almost) without exception I had a fantastic, fun, encouraging ministry week. I didn't come home once needing to "debrief" or "refresh" after a difficult conversation or situation. This was a direct answer to my prayer of "Dear God, please make it a week where I don't come home discouraged or upset and then have no one to comfort me".

-I think God did help make me more resilient, which is good because with a life of ministry ahead of us I'm sure this won't be the last time we spent more than a week apart.

It was a great week. But I missed Tim even more than I thought I would and it was so great to stop by and see him today. Probably the best thing to come out of this week was just realising just how special Tim is and the richness, fun and wisdom he brings into my life.
All in all lots to be thankful for.
love B

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