It turns out- despite my initial thoughts to the contrary- that Belinda is actually quite a tricky name to say and spell.
This is particularly true for those who did not live in Australia during the names hay-day years of 1978-1982.
A man at Gloria Jeans asked me my name, looked puzzled and then asked how to spell it. My friend Bek and I laughed when up on the screen poped "Berinda".
I went through the first six months of mainly music with a name tag reading Blinda.
And most of the time I need to correct, as people assume I've said Linda, Melinda, or even Brenda.
But my favourite so far happened today. Little Hayley is told every week to say "Bye Auntie Belinda" at the end of playgroup.
This week, without prompting, she tried it.
"Bye bye Auntie Banana!"
love B
That's insane! Belinda! Come on, people!