Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Seven Years

Everyone keeps saying, when I tell them it's been our seven year anniversary on Sunday, "That's a good number".  It makes me laugh, because in the grand scheme of things, seven is not any special milestone.  Maybe its just a Christian thing :)

But every anniversary feels like a special milestone, in my book.  It is by God's grace we made our promises, and it is by God's grace that we keep them.  Anniversaries are a great time to talk about the fun times, and to make each other feel special.  But they are also a good time to give God all the glory for the blessings of our lives.

Tim and I celebrated by having a special dinner at Crown.  I sat looking out at the Yarra River and the Rialto thinking- we really are in Melbourne again.  And that also seems like a special turning point in our marriage, and another thing to be greatful to God for.

Thanks Tim, for Seven years of being everything you promised to be and more.  You have proven yourself, through good times and bad, to be a faithful friend and husband, and such fun.  I am so grateful to God for you.
Love BG
PS If you are curious (which I was) the traditional gifts of 7 years are Cooper and Wool- a definately improvement on paper and tin!  Maybe we are finally approaching something good enough to buy for each other :)

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