Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Back in Sydney

Back in Sydney.

It is, I have to say, very nice to sleep in your own bed. When I entered the house I was overwhelmed by that strange musty smell that never seems to go away- but that you grow so accustomed to it that you only notice it after a week away. But- in some strange way it is home, and I actually had fun opening up all the windows to gets some air moving, emptying the saucepan we have sitting under the leaking toilet pipe, and once again sitting in our half bath staring at Greek paradimes that are blue-tacked to the glass. It will be a strange couple of days: no classes, lots of socialising, assisting Tim with preparation for a kids talk at church, and if I am realistic about myself- probably not enough Greek revision. But I'm looking forward to Monday and given most people's Sunday facebook status profiles- this is a very rare thing.

Tim and I are once again attempting to be healthier. I tend to get motivated for health more than Tim- but when he's on board with the idea it actually happens whereas for me it usually lasts a day. He even said to me at Avalon Airport- "we should eat more salad". I was tempted to ask "who are you and what have you done with my husband?", but you take what you can get in this business so I agreed. I have two main problems when it comes to healthy eating. One is that I just love eating, and food and cooking and have little self control in this area- the second is that I keep looking out for ways to make it easier. Surely I think there must be a way that you can eat healthy and still eat food that is really really yummy and not miss out. So I keep my eyes out for foods that are really fun and yummy and good for you- and given how few there are, I don't get anywhere so I just keep eating rubbish. But with diabetes on both sides of my family- I wont get away with it- and I'd much rather eat healthy now than be forced to by a failing pancreas.

But, to aid me in my efforts I have just invented the most awesome drink in the world. I'm still coming up with a name- the working title is Hot Oranj- but I'm sure I can do better than that and I don't even know how to pronounce it properly.

It started because to my own devastation I found out that orange juice wasn't one of those miracle foods that was good for you and yummy. It is to an extent- but with 200% of your necessary Vitamin C in only one cup, very little fibre, and a high sugar content- it wasn't really healthy with my three to four glass a day habit.

I had tried, as I'd read in books- to water it down- but it tasted pretty bad. Then one day I figured it out. I'd always had hot lemon drinks for colds- and one day I tried a hot orange drink- 1/4 orange juice and 3/4 boiling water. And it was so good! And I could have four a day and all that would mean was that I had my requirement of VC and lots more water than I would otherwise have. Plus it saves us the money we were spending to feed my habit!
Despite inventing the coolest drink in the world, trying to be healthy is generally so depressing! I find myself looking ultra critically at myself in photos, foods becomes much more of a big deal, and I find it harder to believe Tim when he says I'm attractive just the way I am. And its a reminder of my sin, because I'm constantly faced with my inability to stick to things- to put my health and Tim above my own pleasure- and to trust in God's goodness that he made me and he doesn't make mistakes. But I'm getting back on the bike and trying again.
BTW, just wanted to say that I had a lovely time in Melbourne and that God has given me and Tim some pretty spectacular friends.
love you all,

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