Thursday, October 15, 2009

Medical Answers

I have just found out the the hives that I have been experiencing are due to dust mites.

Such a relief!

Such a relief that I don't have to give up any foods that I love :)

I went on the following website to work out what I should do- as my appointment with the dermitologist to talk about my results won't be for a few weeks yet.

It is actually an awesome website. It has facts sheets on lots of different medical issues, and unlike most stuff on the internet it's usually researched based stuff.

But as I read the sheet I had all these little "kerching" sounds in my head- imagining the sound that old fashion cash registers made when they open. Because there will be some expenses involved.

At first- small simple ones:
-A micro fibre duster so that it traps dust and dust mights rather than letting them into the air like a feather one would.
-Dust mite resistant bed covers
-Washing bedsheets once a week with eucalyptus oil infused cleaning products (not really a kerching- but definately time consuming!)

And long term:
-Buy leather lounges
-Synthetic pillows and doona
-Venetian blinds
-Get rid of carpet where-ever we end up living.

But the plus!

Tim now needs to do all the vaccuming- with me safely out of the house!
love B

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