Sunday, August 31, 2008

A confession

Dear friends,
I have a naughty confession to make. I'm a bit embarrassed but I felt it was important to let you know. You may have figured it out already, given the lack of posting in recent weeks. But in case you haven' it is...

I'm bored of blogging!

Oh, I know, its a bit bad isn't it? Its such a me thing to- I'm forever getting excited about projects- and then letting them slide with the next much more exciting thing (which at the moment is fantasy fiction writing- LOVE IT!).

I quite enjoy looking at blogs, and am often being disappointed at the many interesting bloggers who blog fairly regularly (getting onto my check every day list) only for them to drop back to semi-regularly. This means they move onto my "check if you have time" list! And here I am, doing exactly the same thing.

But I don't think I'm going to stop.

One- I want to be a follow-through girl! Its a life long aim and I'm working on it and maybe this will be the turning of the tide. Imagine, a Belinda who no longer dreams of things that might be but actually fulfills them. I know, its a beautiful thought ;)

Two-I've been thinking about the purpose of this blog- and the main purpose is to let my dear, dear friends in Melbourne know how I am going, and what I am learning. So this is a worthy aim- and is worth pushing through for.

Three- I think my underlying reason for "getting over" blogging is that I've lost confidence. My blog is not a serious, it's-my-key-ministry, carefully crafted work of art. So that's made me cautious about blogging. But I should just get over that- something doesn't have to be perfect to be worthwhile
(Incidentally- it would be an interesting post to discuss the amazing realisation I had two years ago that I am a perfectionist. Hmmm, put that on the to-do list!)

Four- I will probably get to enjoy it again sometime soon.

So, I will continue. A key point about creative writing that you hear all the time is that when you have writers block, just write rubbish and you'll find over time that the simple act of writing will pull you out of the hole. In the process of writing this I've come up with four different things I want to post on.

So maybe don't put me on your check once a year blog list yet ;)
love B

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